Home Along The Way

Josiah Update

Si is feeling good this morning!  Thank you, Jesus!  His incision looks good and he is in minimal pain at the moment.  He was too tired to eat last evening after surgery but he's ready for breakfast this morning!

Last night I had to force him to take liquid meds for pain and antibiotics.  It was not tasty (I tried it) and we both cried through the ordeal.  Then he vomited the meds back up.   After the sheets and pajamas got changed, to our great dismay they brought more meds and said 'try again'.  I asked if he could have IV meds and they said he must try 2 times with liquid first.  So, we hugged and cried and endured another traumatic ordeal with the liquid meds worsened by his fear of throwing up again.  However, I promised him he would NOT have to do this again!  I battled it out with the nurses over his meds and won!  He is on IV meds this morning (despite the fact that he kept the meds down the second time) which is much less stressful to Si and mommy.

His night nurse's nickname should be "stealth" since she came in every 2 hours to take vitals and never woke any of us all night...not even Si!  A good night's sleep was very helpful!  Josiah has a regular hospital bed and his room has a double sized mat in one corner that Alia and I slept on.

We hope to be released this evening.  We are told 24 hours is typical so we expect somewhere between 3-7pm.  I am just nervous about having to give him the liquid meds once we are home.  Please pray for some good solution to this problem.  Thank you!

We appreciate your prayers immensely.  I will be sure to update again if anything changes.