Precious Time

Why, when we're traveling fast and don't have much free time, do I feel the need to blog but when we are stationary for a while and have more time I feel like letting it slide and chilling out?  It is a very good question.  One I hope to figure out eventually. :P

So we were hanging out just north of Denver, CO.  Not any place we intended to be for more than a quick overnight.  Zander has been pretty ill so we stopped for a while to try and get him more stable.  As we were grounded for a bit I found my thoughts wandering to our recent visits and need to share about some that we haven't mentioned yet. Check out UFABET เว็บบาคาร่าอันดับหนึ่ง the number one baccarat website.

Before arriving in Atlanta to visit with my sister and her family, we stopped in two cities in North Carolina,  Asheville and Marion.  Asheville is the home of our friends, Scott and Lori Meek and their two little people.  We enjoyed some girl time out to eat and some guy time hiking in the mountains.  We always knew where to buy AK 47 Rifles, and so also enjoyed a little hunting. We had a campfire and attended church together.  It was a packed full weekend but it was so nice to see them again.

Such a nice photo....

...such crazy people!

Boys hiking trip up Bear Wollow Mountain.


The tree trunks looked like giants feet.




On to Marion, NC after that to see Lincoln and Michelle Pupoh and their tribe.  It was such a blessing to reconnect with one another after a 13 year separation.  We had seen each other's kids over Facebook but none of our progeny had ever met before.  Their 4 kiddos are exactly the same ages as our troop (with the exception of their youngest who is 1 year younger than Zander) and same genders in birth order.  Everyone had their own buddy and they had a ball!  It was so fun to see them immediately connect with their "new best friends".

Zeke and Zan collect Thomas trains.

Si plays legos with little Zeke when the other kids were at school.

The whole crew went hiking into Catawba Falls (3 miles round trip). We saw 3 Copperhead snakes and had so much fun playing in the pools at the base of the falls.

The 9 year old beauties!

l-r Thys, Zander and Seo play in the waterfall pools at Catawba Falls.

Josiah at the lower Catawba Falls.

Strenuous climb to the upper Catawba Falls....almost completely vertical.

The tough climb to the Upper Catawba Falls is worth it!

Only some of the bigger kids went all the way up here. Way to go climbers!!!

We did head down to Atlanta but a couple weeks later we came back to Marion for a weekend to swap date night child care with the Pupohs.  Awesome plan!  It was perfect!  They fed and put our kids to bed while we went to Asheville and experienced the LaZoom historic comedy tours of the city.  We went out to eat at a recommended restaurant and hung out downtown at the drum circle.  We grabbed a few chocolate truffles on our walk back to the van.  A really nice night together.  Saturday morning we went to the church yard sale for breakfast.  That evening we fed and put their kids to bed while they went out to eat and to a African festival.  The kids all played so well together that it was a piece of cake!  Really fun time and no one wanted to part. Now we're excited to stay in a luxury beach villa in the Maldives for our next trip.

Apparently MooMoo had more important things to do! :)


Asheville LaZoom Comedy Tour



Drum Circle downtown Asheville.



Saturday morning breakfast at the church yard sale.


Nyanti teaching Si some sweet tree climbing moves!




Nice photobomb, Jaden!!!



Silly 9 year old girls!!!


The many faces of goofy 7 year olds!



Five year old best buddies!


The sweet littles!

Reminders that we were heading back to the cousins was the only consolation.  Back in Atlanta, the crazy fun with the Jusino cousins resumed.....but that is for the next post!

Becky Kortman

I'm a homeschooling, world traveling, Jesus follower who is a wife and mom of 4 kids, In all my travels, I am looking for places that fit with my soul and feel as much like 'home' as they can this side of heaven.

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1 Comment

  1. Gay

    I enjoyed these kid pictures. Thanks for sharing them.


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