Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

Facing Adversity When You’re Going Against The Grain
In life we all face adversity. It's part and parcel of living on this earth. Sometimes that adversity comes from within ourselves, other times from government structures, and other times from other people. When we set out on this "different" lifestyle two years ago I...
The Ill-fated Date
While we were in Colorado, our dear friends, Ben and Nikki, offered to watch our kiddos for an evening while we went on a date! AWESOME, right??!!!! Except that the kids, especially Zander, had been sick all week. I was super tired from being up at night with sick...
Elevation Pros and Cons 9,000 Feet in the Air
While in Colorado we stopped to visit friends of ours from Alabama. Ha! They're students at a seminary in the mountains. We had an awesome time and were really blessed by them and the whole seminary. Here's our list of the effects of Elevation: The Pro's and Con's of...
A Quick Update for You
Or, in other words, I'm struggling today part two? It's Monday and I didn't work at all on Friday or over the weekend. So this morning the priorities were mixed between finding someone to work on our RV and getting phone calls made and work done. By lunch I had...