Travel Update

Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

Yellow Tejas

Yellow Tejas

Just to give you a quick update, We drove over 400 miles today, with no issues!!! Yesterday evening I was able to successfully install the new fan clutch and an auxiliary electric fan. I ran the engine without the Aux fan for over an hour and it didn't overheat. This...
So we met our Stalker

So we met our Stalker

Yes, we're internet famous now! Due to many factors, some of which are Upworthy and the Podcast If you haven't subscribed you ought to! But with fame comes the paparazzi. Or the stalkers. And yes we have been contacted by a film studio in Hollywood who wanted to make...
Part 4: Back in the US of A

Part 4: Back in the US of A

Ok, I was wrong, there are 4 parts!  There is just so much to tell! Our first stop once back in Michigan was to a childhood friend in Houghton, NY.  It was so nice to see Becky and her husband, Brian and sweet kiddos, Cadie, Lilee and Ian.  These 7 kids took to the...
Part 3: The Soo and Canada

Part 3: The Soo and Canada

Side note:  Welcome to our new subscribers from Italy!  We were told this morning that we were mentioned on Italian radio!  Let us know in the comments what station and where in Italy you heard this!  We want to check it out!  What did the...