Tagged california
Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

We have Liftoff!
The Littles were sleeping so here's the awake crew on the lot after buying it. Quick update here. We own a Motorhome! The inspection went great, but took a long time because we're new RV owners and the people at the dealership took the time to answer our 7 pages of...
Twenty Four Hours: What Can Happen in 24 hours?
24 hours ago Becky and I were sitting on the couch relaxing after a typical day in Kortman County. Kids running wild in and out of the house, coats and boots on and off again, ya know. The typical oh-my-word-why-did-we-have-four-of-them kind of a normal day ;) But it...
We Bought a House: Take That Location Independent Movement!
It was on auction. It was a nail biting auction. One where Becky had all the confidence of a mobster, strolling in, pointing at a house and saying "that one." I on the other hand was sweating and had some nervous twitches going on. I mean, come on, this is a...