Tagged Quick Update
Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

Reflections on a long day.
sunset in mazatlan sunset in mazatlan Today was a long hard day and it makes me wonder why we're on this journey. Just like every life there are challenges and difficulties. People think either we're "living the dream" or that we've come to Mexico to die. We however...
A New Facebook Group & A Shift For Us
Did you know we have over 300 strangers reading our posts? There are a couple hundred more who know us personally but the majority of you reading this now are simply inspired by our life....which is amazing and humbling to us! A lot of you have said you want to live...
A Quick Update for You
Or, in other words, I'm struggling today part two? It's Monday and I didn't work at all on Friday or over the weekend. So this morning the priorities were mixed between finding someone to work on our RV and getting phone calls made and work done. By lunch I had...