Tagged RV Trip
Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

We’re leaving San Miguel de Allende today
Yesterday was the final leg of a marathon as far a our family and Mexican "normal" is concerned. We got sick a week and a half ago. Zander is always cute, but when he's sick there's just something endearing about his 'I'm cute and sick'. Thys was so sick/tired he fell...
Secured and Unsecured Loans
No we are not at this RV part right now, but Becky and I just got off of a Skype call with another family who'd like to RV into Mexico and were interested in Clam Beach RV Park, when we dug into our blog posts we found out that we never posted about this great RV...
The End of Home Along the Way
We were recently asked what life will look like for the Kortmans when we stop traveling. It's a bit of a funny question for us since we don't think we will ever stop traveling entirely. But it is a good question none the less... So while we're not planning the end of...