So, as I mentioned in an earlier post the kids found a cement structure nearby Gracie and not only claimed it as their own but immediately started on improvements. These kids know how to arrive and settle in quickly...wonder where they get that??? (insert sheepish grin)
In no time they had scrounged up items from the beach (Mexican beaches aren't as clean as beaches in the US so they found pipes and boards and all the items you will see used in the pics...anything that isn't the kid's sand toys) and surrounding campsites to use for their house. They even found a stick frame held together by rusty wire. It took 3 kids to haul it to our campsite and then they wanted me to cover it with palm fronds just like our big palapa... which we spent the afternoon doing. Their ingenuity was so fun to watch.
Paul and I go on walks alone or with the dogs morning and evening. Sometimes we come across items the kids may want to use for their house and they love when we come back with a piece of metal grate, a spoon someone left behind, or a tote lid that gets turned into a table top! We love to encourage their creativity!
Without further ado....The Kid's House!

Zander is standing by the door. On the right you can see Alia's clothes line and to the left just off the picture by the bushes is Josiah's grill. An old sheet over the hole in the top makes for lovely ambient light inside and also keep blowing sand out of the house on windy days. A lot of time and energy was put into placing stones around the bottom edge (so it looks nice) and hauling and dumping sand around their walkways (to cover up sand burr plants). These kids have thought of everything.

Josiah's grilling area just off from the house.

Hamburgers for lunch!

Alia's clothes line rests on the steps that go up to their roof.

Our beach bag, skim board and dog bowl (yes, they even made pretend dog food). The rest they found and repurposed.

Happy in their house complete with sun roof.

Alia is cooking food in the back corner. Their cupboard hold most of their supplies.

Paul and I found this little shelf in a long ago abandoned house on one of our walks. It hold a place on importance in their house now.

Foreground: the main palapa. Background: the kid's palapa!

The kid's palapa with their campfire pit behind it to the right.
UPDATE: Before we left Pulmo we scouted a different spot on the same beach. We'll park there when we head back to Pulmo and see if we like it better. Paul and I also scouted a new playhouse nearby to that site as well...a cinder block frame to a small abandoned building. When we left Cabo Pulmo, the kids packed up all their own things (sand toys, etc) and put the playhouse items (grill, shelf, pipes, etc.) into the new playhouse. The kids are looking forward to seeing if their playhouse things are still there when we get back.
I just love their creativity!! This is what kids will do when they are “unplugged”.
Love it!