Paul Kortman's Posts
Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

On being an IIegal Immigrant
Last week we made our visa run to Texas and came back with a loaded vehicle, it's crazy how many things break down and parts are only available in the US. So we took that opportunity. However, we had no idea how quickly we'd be headed back to the US! Yesterday I went...
Permanent Residency or Not?
We love Mexico, living there for the last year has helped us confirm that it's a place we'd like to set up a home base in. However, when we decided we'd like to add a (non white) child to our family we were informed that permanent residents of Mexico can adopt for...
Still in love with Mexico!
There are lots of reasons to love Mexico, and if there was one thing I could tell all Americans it would be to stop watching news/media. They only tell the bad parts about Mexico. Oh, and believe me the bad parts about the US are told here as well. (Like every mass...