Tagged Flights
Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

SE Asia tour
When we first started this trip we were planning on spending months in 4 countries with a "vacation" in South Africa. We were going to spend time in the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Viet Nam. However we quickly discovered that we're not cut out for the heat....On the Road Again
This post was written April 23 the day after arrival in Thailand. However, We've been busy and miscommunicated about having posted this. Good news? We've had much more stable internet and got phones etc setup right away when we landed. Bad news? It's Hotter here! We...
Moving on
In the span of 8 hours half of our crew will board a plane for manilla Philippines. The other three will board a plane five hours later to all join up in manilla. From there we fly together to Bangkok and then on to Chiang Mai Thailand. We're leaving because our visas...