Tagged Money

Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

I have a sinking sensation about this Kayak!

I have a sinking sensation about this Kayak!

Excited Kids helping tie down the new kayaks! We pooled our Christmas money and bought two kayaks for ourselves for Christmas. We were considering using Christmas money for an adventure like an all inclusive, or a snorkeling trip to Espirtu Santo Island. But in the...
A Quick Stop in the Middle East

A Quick Stop in the Middle East

QATAR. Really. Seriously. Not kidding, people! Doha, Qatar. We never expected to be spending any time in the city of Doha, but yesterday we found ourselves there for a day.    We arrived in at 6am with a connecting flight leaving 2 hours later....
To move or not to move

To move or not to move

When we set out on a journey of location independence we knew we were experiential learners. We knew how to research and investigate our options. However no amount of research can outweigh 'on the ground' experience. So here we are. Having visited various places in SE...
Living Without

Living Without

There are a lot of things that we will be living without. It's kind of a 'duh' statement. But there are a few things that we're bummed about, and others that we feel perhaps the community could help us develop ideas around how to solve this. Something you should know...