Home Along The Way

We Sold All Our Stuff, But Now We Need Some Stuff


So, you can imagine that since we have switched gears from "sell it all so we can fly around the world" to "let's outfit an RV to drive to South America" that we are in need of acquiring some items that we used to have but no longer own.  Yes, this does seem a bit backward but we also know that getting rid of everything was the beginning of our new lives as minimalist travelers.  We have learned a lot and are in a different place now.... with a different goal in mind.

We we are scouring the Goodwill (second hand shops) stores in our area and greatly anticipating the coming of Garage Sale season!  Just in case you have one or more of these items laying around and in need of re-homing, here is the list of things we still need for the RV.

If we see you regularly and you run across a great find at a yard sale...text me (just to make sure we haven't already acquired it and I will probably give you the thumbs up to buy for us!)

We greatly appreciate any help you can give us in locating these items in the next month!

Let the yard sales begin!