What is home?

We've labeled this journey we're on "Home Along the Way." We knew this sojourn would be filled with lots of transitions, lots of new places to live and various "homes."

But it's been interesting to listen to our use of the word home, there are many times when the kids are using the term "home" that we have to infer what they mean. Here are example phrases:

"This is not like home!" Dad, referring to Michigan.

"Daddy I want to go home" Josiah, referring to the place where we're sleeping.

"We're home!" Alia, referring to the place where we're sleeping.

"We can do that when we get home" Mom, referring to the place where we're sleeping.

"We can do that when we get home" Mom, referring to Michigan.

"Where is your home?" Neighbor kid to Alia, referring to?

"We left that at home" Dad, referring to the place where we're sleeping.

"We left that at home" Mom, referring to Michigan.

"Bring it home"

"Back home"

"We're homeless" Paul referring to the final sale of our house in Michigan

"Our real home is not here on earth" Alia explaining why we sometimes have confusion as to what home we are talking about.  She gets it!

"A banana at home is too big" Becky referring to michigan

"At home we don't get to take a boat to the beach", Becky referring to michigan Josiah responded "no, we live right next to the beach!"

"At home you're allowed to do that, but not here." Becky referring to michigan

"C'mon, It's time to go home!", Becky referring to Davao house


Clearly there are many "homes" in our language.  However, as we have talked about with the kids (the bigger kids understand as you can tell from Alia's quote) we really only have one home, and its not to be found on earth. So, anywhere we travel on this whole planet is just that...travel.  Really, we're looking for the second best.  In this case second best is really, really far from first.


Paul Kortman

Dad of 4, husband, blogger, digital marketer, follower of Jesus. I podcast at nomadtogether.com and own connexdigitalmarketing.com We're on this crazy journey to travel the world as a lifestyle. Looking for help in how to live as a digital nomad family? Join this Facebook Group!

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