Tagged Baja California

Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

Secured and Unsecured Loans

Secured and Unsecured Loans

No we are not at this RV part right now, but Becky and I just got off of a Skype call with another family who'd like to RV into Mexico and were interested in Clam Beach RV Park, when we dug into our blog posts we found out that we never posted about this great RV...
Our Version of the Baja 500

Our Version of the Baja 500

Note: This was written last Friday the 11th. We didn't have cell phone reception or internet while writing. We're currently in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico with decent internet! More on that in the next post (stay tuned!) View from Gracie in our camp site in...
Sometimes, Being Independent Sucks

Sometimes, Being Independent Sucks

If you didn't know by now, Becky and I are kind of independent people. We dance to a different rhythm. We value different things. We have different ambitions. And this has been going on for decades. Independent Missionaries Becky and the kids hiked to the top of a...
Our First 24 hours in Mexico

Our First 24 hours in Mexico

Hard to believe that just yesterday we were saying goodbye to new friends in San Diego. Yesterday afternoon we crossed the border from California into Mexico. And believe it or not we were a little too laid back for the Mexicans. But after quite a bit of back and...