Tagged Traveling With Less
Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

The End of Home Along the Way
We were recently asked what life will look like for the Kortmans when we stop traveling. It's a bit of a funny question for us since we don't think we will ever stop traveling entirely. But it is a good question none the less... So while we're not planning the end of...
Alia’s Charm Bracelet
Have you ever seen an ad for something that promises you something free "if you stop in our store"? We saw one of those recently...from a high end jewelry store offering a free bracelet. I was intrigued but wondered what we may have to do or what the catch was....
Traveling with Kids in Mexico: The Other House
So, as I mentioned in an earlier post the kids found a cement structure nearby Gracie and not only claimed it as their own but immediately started on improvements. These kids know how to arrive and settle in quickly...wonder where they get that??? (insert sheepish...