Home Along The Way

Wandering the Streets of SMA


We have decided to stay here in San Miguel de Allende for 2-3 months while I (Becky) see a doctor and get my thyroid situation worked out.  We are also waiting for the autumn temps to return to the Yucatan before we head over that way.


We spent the day Sunday exploring more of the city together as a family.  We scoped out a few cathedrals, grabbed street vendor snacks (mango, coconut, and fried tortillas filled with potatoe).  We took a trolley tour to hear about the history of the city and met some new friends!

These flower wreath hair accessory vendors are common and many women wear these in their hair--often matching their outfits.

You can see Thys laughing here as he returns this hat. This hat vendor wanted him to put the hat on. Thys said, "no, gracias" but the guy was persistent saying he was such a handsome boy that he should have a handsome hat. So I encouraged Thys to go ahead and try the hat on. He did and the guy acted like it was the most amazing sight he had ever seen. He defintiely got Thys to laugh.

This is called a mojigangas. They are common enough to see them just about every time we are in town (they are always different) but also still fun enough that we are always excited to spot one! There is one specific tienda in town that makes them. They are simply part of the fun of Mexican culture.

La Parroquia. An amazingly beautiful cathedral downtown.

Exploring inside La Parroquia with the kids.

A San Miguel stud!

Snacks in El Jardin

On the trolley ride we met this little girl and her momma. Alia was in her 'big sister' glory!

Our fam at one of the SMA overlooks with sweet little Harper.


Friends of ours, Matt and Saskia and their 2 boys stopped here in SMA for a couple days on their way from Guatemala to Louisiana.  It was so nice to see them again!  We first met and became friends back in Cabo Pulmo (on the Baja) last January.  Seriously, "running into" traveling friends again is absolutely SO MUCH FUN!

They very sweetly gave us the gift of an evening away and since it was a bit rainy Paul and I decided to walk/drive around and take pictures.  We poked in and out of shops --so much easier without kids-- and generally just enjoyed so time without all the little voices and interruptions!  Such a blessing!


Here are some pics from our evening:

Downtown SMA from an overlook.

Burro weather vane

Most, if not all the streets, are cobblestone. Hard on the ankles and tires but creates a very cool 'old world' vibe.

I am in love with all the doorways here! All so unique and beautiful!

Colors and textures of everything here is vibrant!

Since almost all roof are terraces the buildings have waterspouts out of the sides to allow rainwater to run off the building roof/terrace floor. Some are just round pipes while many others are more elaborate and decorative like this dog.

I passed this man on the sidewalk and I asked if I could take his picture because my boys love Angry Birds. He was very happy to do so but wouldnt smile for the photo.

This girl is selling snacks from the doorstep of her home to passersby.

As you can see for the grey door on the right not all homes have a LOT of stairs but most have at least 1 or 2 because during the rainy season the streets often flood and the steps keep water out of the house.

This guy was walking with his puppy, a 2 month old Chihuahua named BooBoo!

Not ALL the windows are beautiful.

The downtown sidewalks are pretty but sometimes slippery when it rains.

La Parroquia from the side entrance.

We wondered who lives here...Hobbits in SMA?

What did you do on your last date night/night out with friends?  Did you take any pics?

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