Paul Kortman's Posts

Archives of writings while finding Home Along the Way

Part 2: Tahquamenon Falls

Part 2: Tahquamenon Falls

We shoved off from Skandia and stopped at Tahquamenon Falls.  Having been there as kids, Paul and I  were really looking forward to showing them to our kiddos. However the day was fraught with problems.  First the disrobing of the van.  Then while driving to the falls...
Our Path

Our Path

We are frequently being asked where are we headed on this roundabout way of going north to get south. We are heading up to the west side of the Upper Peninsula, then east to Canada, and from New York down the east coast to Georgia. View our first section of the drive...
The NomadTogether Podcast

The NomadTogether Podcast

We've done it! We're actually podcasting. And you can help us achieve success in this. We've been writing and inviting you into our lifestyle journey and now we ask for a small favor to help us bring in a whole new audience. A short bit on the why: We're really...
It’s a Girl!

It’s a Girl!

Last week we added another child to our family. Some of you may know that Zander (our 4th kid) was adopted. We're in touch with his birthmom and some of her other kids. We've always been a fan of adoption for many reasons, partly to help Mom's to have alternatives...
Becky is Famous! National Magazine Coverage

Becky is Famous! National Magazine Coverage

You may remember that a few months ago we went on kinda a PR blitz letting local media know what we did and getting air time. Shoot you might even be reading this because you first ran across our Mlive article, NPR interview or one of the TV spots we did. At the same...