Mexico Plan

We had planned to enter Mexico on Thanksgiving but the stolen trailer put us behind a couple of days. The nice part is we got to grow really close with some new friends and were able to fix some things on Gracie as well.

The new car hauler, yay we get to back up without concerns now!

Here's our planned Itinerary for Mexico. In theory we'll only be in Mexico 6 months to stay in the FMM Mexico visitors visa (180 days) but knowing how the trip has gone so far we may end up cutting some of these stops out.

We plan to spend the bulk of our time in two locations, "Somewhere" in Baja, most likely the southern end. And "Somewhere" in the Yucatan Peninsula, most likely within the state of Quintana Roo.  Perhaps while you're following along you might want to learn some Mexican geography, like the states and capitals :)

Mexico has 31 states and a Federal District (Like the District of Columbia, aka Washington DC).


We'll be driving through mainland Mexico to get from the Baja to Quintana Roo, so those stops will be quick, one or two night stops. Part of our epic road trips is also driving through the most dangerous part of Mexico, so we're planning to keep moving. It is recommended to bring your car to a Lynchburg auto repair shop for servicing before you go on a long road trip.

Our normal map system (Roadtrippers, seen here and here) didn't work for Mexico, so below you can see and interact with our planned stopping points without dates.

Again, this is all subject to change. We're not set on these places. This is just our plan based on the research we've done.

We start tomorrow, Sunday November 29. Lord willing we'll cross into Mexico in the morning and head for Rosarito, or a beach camping experience further south. Rosarito was on the plan and then off the plan and is now back on the plan again. This is due to the fact that by the book, or on paper Rosarito meets our requirements for a place we'd like to call home. However with further research Rosarito is a bit too close to the US. While that seems like a bonus for access and such it's a negative because the border towns are not safe. Tijuana has not been "safe" for the majority of my life (even though we have friends who have lived there for over 10 years with little kids) but the bordertown-ness of TJ has spread to Rosarito, based on our research.
So we took Rosarito off the plan.

Then we were put in contact with Door of Faith Orphanage La Mision Mexico. We're going to be volunteering there for 10 days. However, due to the thanksgiving holiday (they receive a lot of volunteers during the holiday) we're not able to park there until Dec 1, (Tuesday). So we figured for two days we'll camp out in Rosarito, get our feet wet with Mexican culture (this will be the kids' first time in Mexico).

We're really looking forward to Mexico. Yes it will bring its challenges but there's also amazing people and things to experience and see. We are ready for the challenge and the fun!

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Paul Kortman

Dad of 4, husband, blogger, digital marketer, follower of Jesus. I podcast at and own We're on this crazy journey to travel the world as a lifestyle. Looking for help in how to live as a digital nomad family? Join this Facebook Group!

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