We decided to take a short trip to the Grand Canyon so the kids could see it and then I needed to get some work done, so we didn't cover a lot of miles today, therefore no additional damage to the RV, although Becky and I joked about hitting an Elk cause we are in Elk country... it would be just like this trip for us to experience something like that.

Yeah this is the USB charging cord that is holding our awning up. You can read that story here: http://homealongtheway.com/does-extreme-weather-produce-extreme-rving/

And the other end is held up by my belt. Still holding strong 400 miles later.

The parking lot at Grand Canyon National Park. I guess we fit right in here.

The boys were really excited to see it and ran ahead

Yup, theres a river down there. Can you spot it? Hint: you can click on this photo to make it bigger :)

Thys grew a bit ;) Crazy how high we are, I never thought about the elevation at the rim, its 7,000 ft up there.

We call it the Grand Ditch or Big Ditch as a family joke, its huge, its impressive, but its really a big ditch.

The Irony of a Raven perched on a Raven sign.

And yes, we did see Elk, all females. But we were allowed to stop so this is the best we could do in motion.

The fam at the Grand Ditch
Maybe someday you can return to the Grand Canyon and walk to the bottom it’s impressive