We’re Home!


Josiah is released! Two nurses wheeled him and a grocery cart of our bags down to the front door.

Josiah is released! Two nurses wheeled him and a grocery cart of our bags down to the front door.


When the doctor came and checked on Si this morning he found that the fluid had drained and stopped draining. So the doctor removed the tube and sent us home!

We came home settled Josiah into the couch. Had lunch and everyone slept for a couple hours. We all had our own version of a sleepless night last night so we were able to catch up this afternoon.

Josiah is soaking up all the attention from Mom and Dad. He has to lay low for a week.

Thanks for all the comments from the last post. Becky read them all to Josiah!

Paul Kortman

Dad of 4, husband, blogger, digital marketer, follower of Jesus. I podcast at nomadtogether.com and own connexdigitalmarketing.com We're on this crazy journey to travel the world as a lifestyle. Looking for help in how to live as a digital nomad family? Join this Facebook Group!

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