So as not to confuse you, let be straight with you.
I am a dog.
I am also one of the Kortman's 6 kids.
Sure they have 4 two legged kids, but they have 2 four legged kids as well.
You may have been around to meet MooMoo in July. But one furbaby was not enough. So when the Kortman's were in Boulder they adopted me.
My name is Kody
Don't I look sweet? They say looks can be deceiving, but in my case it's only partially true.
In reality I'm very sweet, I just like my daddy a bit too much and so when he's not around I do destructive things.
Fortunately, for me, I've got daddy wrapped around my little dew claw.
They say some dogs (like horses) choose their owner, and for me I chose dad, cause I knew he was the weakest link.
So when I tore up the screen door... whoa wait, when I allegedly tore up the screen door, everyone was upset at me but daddy was quick to get over it and bought new screen material for me to tear up again. Which I've since done!
I am the Kortmans' most special (needs) child as I am only a year old and still considered to be a puppy.
Who knows if I'll ever grow out of this phase, but right now I'm slightly house broken (I've only had 6 messes in the house in 6 weeks!). Momma says things like "I wanted another dog, but with Kody I now don't want any more kids for a long time, it's like having a baby"
Did you hear that?
Momma called me baby.
Aww, she loves me too. Even though she has to clean up after me a lot, and has to deal with my outbursts of energy.

When I'm not riled up or rambunctious I'm very docile and let anyone inspect me and move me wherever they want me.
However, I do get pretty crazy and wound up when I try to play with my furry sister, MooMoo or with one of the furless-babys. Mom doesn't really like it when I get too physical with with others. But, like I said, I have Dad wrapped around my little dew claw so ohe thinks it's kinda funny. Well....until recently.
Lately, I have to admit I have gotten so excited to play with the kids that I have been a little too rough with them....Even Dad got upset at me. Dad and Mom say I have to go to school to learn to behave nicely. I promise I will try hard to do better because I really love Dad so very much and would never want to be separated from him!
Stay tuned to Dad and Mom's blog for more on my progress at school!
LOL gotta love the fur babbies!
Great post. I’m interested in moving abroad myself but I’m also considering getting a dog. Until now I’d thought I could only do one or the other. What are some of the hurdles, legal or otherwise, that you’ve had to deal with travelling between countries with a dog? I always assumed it would be too stressful for both the dog and myself… curious if it’s even legally possible to enter some countries with a dog, or return to the States with the dog.
Dave, those are great questions!
And in reality there are a ton of factors. But no one will deny that having pets complicates international travel. If you’re okay with some additional inconveniences then it’s possible.
The hardest thing to do will be to take the dogs back into the US. Driving them into Mexico and Central/South America should be fairly straight forward. Flying is a different story as you have to have a ticket for them or pay for them as cargo and there’s more restrictions and paperwork.
The biggest thing we’ve run into is a couple weeks before you leave one country you need to visit a vet to get paperwork saying they’re healthy and free from rabies etc. otherwise upon entering a tough country like the US, some European countries or I imagine Australia you’ll have to have them quarantined for a couple weeks.
I have a British friend living in Spain who has a dog, when he needed to fly to teach a conference for a week he had a friend who lived hear him in Spain dog sit for the week.
Like I said, they complicate travel, but if you’re able to overcome the inconveniences it’s possible to travel internationally with pets.