We've tried, we've worked hard, Becky has come up with various ways to motivate them, to give them consequences, and all kinds of rewards.
And still, they bite, play rough, and in general do a terrible job at being obedient!
We've written a post like this before and want to be clear, WE ARE STILL HOMESCHOOLING our kiddos!
Instead, our perros are heading to a boarding school.
Kody has gotten increasingly wild and disobedient and any behavior modification we have tried hasn't worked.

Kody loves to play and bites the kids and MooMoo too hard. We need him to stop biting.
I know we just introduced him to you yesterday, but he's been with us since Colorado, We haven't introduced him to you sooner, because we were nervous he wasn't going to work out, but he's been with us for over 3 months and we've determined we want him to be a part of our family. However, if he is to continue to be a part of our family we need him to behave better so we needed help in getting him trained.

He's a beautiful dog, and Daddy's buddy.

His first harness (as seen here) was perfect as it had a handle on it. We constantly have to grab him. However he broke it when he ran off after a herd of deer in Northern California. He was gone for 30 minutes and came back with a broken harness and some injuries from the barbed wire fences he ran through.
When we found a dog training school for Kody we figured MooMoo could use a bit of help as well to lessen her anxiety and aggressive behavior toward some other dogs.

Don't tell her she's a little dog, she is VERY aggressive when it comes to strangers and other dogs.
So, this past Thursday we dropped Kody and MooMoo off at Dog Training School with Enrique in Cabo San Lucas. Enrique is the best in Baja and comes well recommended by everyone we've enquired of. We will be moving to Cabo at the end of this week since we will need to participate in the training process with both dogs 2-3x/week for the following 2 weeks.
We hope this process goes smoothly both for the dogs and for those Kortmans (read: Alia and Josiah) who are feeling some anxiety about being separated from the dogs.

Taking the dogs for a walk in the hills of San Diego

A frequent sight in our house, the dogs and the kids snuggling on the couch.
In fact all of us have been commenting about how "there's just something missing around here". Or "now would be the best snuggle time with the dogs", or "wouldn't it have been great to see the dogs on this hike?"

MooMoo sleeps in Alia's bed most nights but sometimes she hangs with one of the boys, this night it was Thys' turn

Even Mom bonds with the dogs! (Actually MooMoo LOVES momma) This day Mama wasn't feeling well and they both snuggled with her!

A boy and his dog? Like son like father

Thys wakes up every morning looking for Kody to play with him... its been a hard couple of mornings since they have been gone.
Here's hoping that we survive the week of no contact with our perros.

Hiking buddies